When the network becomes a guarantee for success

OPED see themselves as a driver for innovation. The medium-sized company that is based in Valley in Bavaria captivates on one hand, with innovative products in the pharmaceutical field, on the other hand, it is the open spirit of innovation that has been part of the proprietary DNA ever since and that shapes the vision of the future for successful business.

More than 30 years ago, the foundation for a modern orthotic treatment of injuries of the ankle joint were laid in a pigsty. Today, the system supplier in the field of medical technology has more than 1,000 employees. An appropriate mix of digital solutions and personal service is not only the focus in their own customer care, but it also characterizes the collaboration with NTS.

“With SD-WAN, we presently have a format that we can transfer relatively quickly to new locations.”

Dominic Asselborn Director IT Infrastructure, OPED

No fear as a vision

OPED has set the course for the future all along. “We are simply fancy, as we always stay on the ball thanks to our innovative approach and because we are not afraid to utilize new technologies,” enthuses Dominic Asselborn, Director IT infrastructure with OPED. “It does not matter that it is about apps for the movement and gait analysis – we are not scared to enter new areas of business, because in our company, we provide and foster the intellectual as well as the technical breeding ground for innovations.”

SD-WAN as guarantee for success

Flexible and efficient structures are paramount for a booming business with an increased use of digital solutions and international subsidiaries, in order to realize their own visiAT OPED you can find the spiritual and technical breeding ground for innovations ons of the future. There is no question that for all this, a stable, flexible as well as a secure network infrastructure is needed. Here, the introduction of a Software-Defined Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN) was an important decision for OPED.

Next to an improvement of the network performance and network stability, this virtual WAN architecture offers high flexibility. “Casually speaking, SD-WAN is just super smart, and it provides us with the opportunity to auYou can rely on good partners even when it becomes tricky, and things are not going so well tomate a lot. With this technology, we presently have a format that we can transfer quickly to new locations, I would call this a ‘guarantee for success’,” says Asselborn about the flexibility of the software-based network technology. Moreover, significant savings can also be gained by an effective utilization of network resources, as all aspects of the network are administered from a central control unit. Thus, many tasks are automated. At the same time, the usage of various security elements increases the network security.

“No matter what’s at hand or if there is a burning issue. The people at NTS always do a great job.”

Dominic Asselborn Director IT Infrastructure, OPED

OPED NTS for each circumstance in life

Thanks to the excellent collaboration at eye level, many new ideas are not only jointly developed, but also implemented little by little. “No matter what’s at hand or if there is a burning issue. The people at NTS always do a super job. They are there and they help immediately and in a straightforward manner,” describes Asselborn the collaboration and, he emphasizes in particular the honest and respectful communication. “You often only realize when times get rough and when nothing runs smoothly if a partnership is good or not. Even during those stages, our contacts have proven that you can rely on them and for us, this is pivotal.”

Redundant Data Center

NTS implemented a synchronously mirrored NetApp All-Flash MetroCluster to ensure the availability of data. Additionally, it conducts several times daily a replication of the data in a second server room onto a further NetApp backup and disaster recovery system. A Veeam backup environment and the ransomware protection CryptoSpike by ProLion take care of the protection of company information.

NTS calling

During a switch in the area of UC, NTS took over the Cisco Unified Communications Manager, which supports the connection and cooperation of teams across departments via IP telephony, audio and video calls, messaging and much more. “Even with this technology, NTS has proven with ‘Relax, We Care’ that we chose the right partner,” describes Asselborn the collaboration in the area of UC.

Technical Solutions:
  • Cisco Software-Defined Access LAN/WLAN
  • Cisco Catalyst Center » Cisco SD-WAN
  • Cisco ISE
  • Cisco UCS Server
  • NetApp All-Flash MetroCluster
  • Veeam Backup
  • Palo Alto Networks Firewall