At the NTS SECPACKTALK on September 19 in Munich, innovative visions met practical strategies, presented by top-class IT experts. The event offered inspiring talks, exciting insights into IT security and an entertaining live hacking session that informed and inspired participants in equal measure.

Host and Managing Director of NTS Germany, Jürgen Tabojer, opened the event and was delighted with the large number of guests at the first NTS SECPACKTALK in Germany: “NTS Germany has grown strongly in recent years and we are constantly evolving. This is the only way we can keep up with the exciting changes in the IT sector.”

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Super Mario’s Odyssey

Dominik Mocher, Security Architect at NTS, started off by talking about protective measures in the cybersecurity sector. “The attacker only needs to find one weak point to penetrate,” he warned. Using humorous examples with a fictitious “company” based on Super Mario, Mocher demonstrated possible security vulnerabilities and explained how hackers would proceed in the event of an attack. He explained what to do first to limit damages and how companies can improve their IT security. In the concluding Q&A session, he went into more detail about the security services offered by NTS, which provide companies with tailored solutions for greater protection.

Regulatory Avalanche

The cybersecurity situation continues to intensify, and regulatory frameworks such as NIS-2, DORA and the AI Act are increasing the requirements for corporate security. Kim Finck, Head of Cybersecurity Public Sector Sales at Cisco, emphasized in her presentation that these regulations require stricter protective measures and compliance and presented Cisco’s adapted strategy in response to the changes. It offers integrated security solutions and modern technologies such as AI and machine learning to help companies comply with the regulations. “The key to ensuring that the regulatory avalanche does not come crashing down on you is digital resilience,” said Finck.

“The key to ensuring that the regulatory avalanche does not come crashing down on you is digital resilience.”

Kim Finck Head of Cybersecurity Public Sector Sales at Cisco

What an absolute hack!

A special highlight was the renowned comedy hacker and IT expert Tobias Schrödel, who demonstrated the dangers and vulnerabilities of modern IT systems in an entertaining way. During his live hacking show, Schrödel presented real-life examples of phishing emails and letters, took the audience into the darknet and showed how stolen data is leaked and what kind of data is sold on the darknet. He concluded his presentation poignantly with a call via a fake number and the deep faked voice of an NTS employee.

The SOC of the Future

Matthias Maier, Security Market Advisor bei Splunk, betonte in seinem Vortrag, dass Sicherheitsoperationszentren (SOCs) angesichts zunehmender Cyberbedrohungen ihre Strategien und Technologien weiterentwickeln müssten, um effektiv zu bleiben: “Wahre digitale Resilienz ist, den Angriff zu erkennen, bevor er in das System eindringt.”  Maier zeigte auf, wie KI und Detection-and-Response-Tools die Bedrohungserkennung, Untersuchung und Reaktion verbessern können. Die Teilnehmer erhielten wertvolle Einblicke in den Aufbau eines proaktiven und widerstandsfähigen SOCs, das mit Hilfe von Splunk den dynamischen Herausforderungen der modernen Bedrohungslandschaft gewachsen ist. 

“Wahre digitale Resilienz ist, den Angriff zu erkennen, bevor er in das System eindringt.”

Matthias Maier Security Market Advisor bei Splunk

Redefining Security in the Age of AI

Lothar Renner, Managing Director Cybersecurity, Cisco EMEA, gab einen spannenden Einblick in die IT-Security im Zeitalter von KI und ging genauer auf die Möglichkeiten und Gefahren ein, die aktuelle Entwicklungen in der KI-Technologie mit sich bringen. “Der Einzug von AI ist nicht aufzuhalten”, so der gebürtige Deutsche. AI soll Unternehmen mit Features wie automatischer Segmentierung und selbstqualifizierenden Updates beim Schutz der Unternehmensinfrastruktur unterstützen und IT-Speazialist:innen unter die Arme greifen.   

In einer abschließenden Impulstalkrunde mit den Speakern Lothar Renner, Kim Finck und Matthias Maier brachte Gastgeber Jürgen Tabojer die rasante Entwicklung der Cybersecurity mit treffenden Worten auf den Punkt: “Im letzten Jahr hatten wir es noch mit einer Dampflok zu tun, dieses Jahr schon mit einem Düsenjet!” 

Beim gemütlichen Ausklang konnten sich die Gäste zu den spannenden Insights austauschen und gewohnte NTS-Feel-Good-Services genießen. Die Mischung aus fachlicher Expertise, visionären Ausblicken und humorvoller Unterhaltung machte das Event zu einem spannenden Erlebnis für alle, die die Zukunft der IT-Security aktiv mitgestalten wollen. 

SecPackTalk presentations