When Cloud chaos strikes:

NTS Landing Zone Solution tidies up

The Cloud offers virtually endless opportunities – however, this great power comes along with a significant responsibility as well. What seems to appear as a simple path into the digital future, could quickly turn out to be chaotic and expensive. Very often, decentral applications, complex networks and uncoordinated security measures can lead to Cloud landscapes that are confusing and difficult to manage. This is the precise moment when chaos might prevail. But no worries: NTS Landing Zone Solution has arrived to bring order to the chaos.

What is the NTS Landing Zone?

Imagine the Landing Zone as the backbone of your Cloud environment. It forms a standardized basis that ensures that everything is in place, just like clear rules ensure a smooth organization. The Landing Zone creates a solid foundation that incorporates NTS best practises for networks, identity management, security guidelines and governance policies.
The target? A Cloud environment that is as dynamic as your business, but that remains secure and scalable at the same time.

Terraform and GitLab: The partners of the Landing Zones

Just as every successful system, the NTS Landing Zone requires a dedicated support as well – in this case it is Terraform and GitLab that provide the NTS Landing Zone the decisive advantage:

  • Terraform ensures that the infrastructure of your Landing Zone is provided in an automated and consistent manner. Due to “Infrastructure as Code,” each modification is transparent, and new resources can be instantly added following the same standard. That way, your Cloud environment is managed in an efficient manner.
  • GitLab takes over the coordinator function. It administers the code that describes the structure of the Landing Zone, and it ensures that each modification is implemented safely. Thus, you can rest assured that everything is orchestrated perfectly before the go live.

The advantage: Structure instead of chaos

The NTS Landing Zone helps, to regain your Cloud environment – with a clear structure and the correct tools.

Conclusion: System is the key to the Cloud excellence

In times when businesses depend more than ever on the flexibility of the Cloud, it is all the more important not to drown in complexity. The NTS Landing Zone, supported by Terraform and GitLab, provides a sophisticated solution that brings back stability and structure. It is the reliable partner in the background that ensures that your Cloud environment is secure and efficient and that it is always ready for new challenges. For this reason, you can focus on composing the next chapter of your Cloud history – without having to worry about the chaos.

If you would like to know more about how the NTS Landing Zone can optimize your Cloud environment, then feel free to contact our sales team for more specific information and details at sales@nts.eu

Our flyer provides you with a first overview upfront of the most important advantages and functions of the solution: